Aargon Deluxe is a game where you must guide a laser beam.
The laser beam must reach the lenses that will appear in the screen. To guide the light, you will need to locate the mirrors and crystals that will cause the beam to touch all the requested points. Once you reach the next place, you will have to rotate the objects, so they will guide the beam to the right direction. Be careful to avoid obstacles like, for example, one way walls, that will force the beam to pass in just one direction.
Sometimes it will seem that there are not enough mirrors or crystals, but it is always possible to find a solution with the ones provided by the game. Once you succeed in performing your task, the game will offer a new puzzle. The game will increase its difficulty as you reach higher levels.
The demo version will let you play with up to four levels. The complete version has 120 levels, and a level editor that will allow users to create their own levels. The developer also offers level packs, that can be used when you have the full version of the game.
There are no limits in the time that the players can use to complete each puzzle. The program will play relaxing music all the time. The game seems to have been designed for people who wants to have fun without stress.